A Java-based CS1 course:

Not gentle enough!

David Gregg and Libero Ficocelli

Grande Prairie Regional College



Java, a modern Object Oriented Language, is becoming the language of choice for teaching introductory computer science courses (CS1 and CS2) at most colleges and universities.  Previously, imperative languages like Pascal and C served this purpose.  This paper discusses our experiences, observations and difficulties that have arisen from switching our introductory computer science courses from Pascal to Java.  Some of the more important challenges students faced with Pascal seem to be significantly aggravated using Java and its object-oriented approach.  In general, the transition to Java has hindered students from acquiring essential algorithmic techniques that are a necessary prerequisite for developing appropriate programming skills. Although students are initially excited about the ease in which they can create graphical applications (using instructor-supplied templates), the demands of the OOP paradigm soon becomes a frustrating exercise.  An analysis of CS1/CS2 student performance data, spanning three years before and three years after the transition to Java, corroborates the authors’ initial reservations regarding the potential impact of the change in curricula.  Although this deficiency is noticeable in the CS1 course, it becomes especially evident during the CS2 course.

Keywords: Java, Pascal, CS1, CS2, Education, Programming-first, Computing, OOP, Weakness, Skill-set, Curriculum

1 Introduction

Grande Prairie Regional College is a regional community college, which offers computing courses in either a 2-year Computer Systems Technology diploma, a transfer stream with 2-year transferability to the B.Sc. in Computing Science at the University of Alberta as well as a collaborative degree B.Sc. in Computing and Information Systems with Athabasca University.  Students in any of the above streams are required to take common introductory programming courses.  Four years ago (Fall 1999), as a consequence of the fact that both our primary transfer institutions adopted Java as a first language, we at GPRC switched from Pascal to Java for our introductory programming courses CS1-2 (CC2001 [1]).  As both institutions adopted the same textbook [2] we followed suit.  The textbook uses an object-oriented concepts and design approach, with language features first.  

Objects, behaviors and classes are introduced almost immediately (page 4 of the textbook) and quickly progresses from using objects to creating user defined classes.  Applets, GUI, and the event-driven model are interspersed throughout the early chapters.  These are presented piecemeal, with limited continuity, from chapter to chapter.  Interactive I/O, file processing, and even network input are introduced before primitives and control constructs are fully covered.  We structured our notes and lectures to parallel the material in the textbook. 

This transition to Java as a first programming language presented a number of interesting challenges.  This was not unexpected as even the authors of CC2001 clearly state that using an object-oriented approach adds complexity to both the teaching and learning of introductory programming.  After having offered the course during 4 successive years by 3 different faculty members, with multiple sections each fall, our primary observation (primarily subjective and anecdotal) is: the overall student skill set appears somewhat diminished when compared to students who took the Pascal based version of the course.  Although students are on the whole reasonably successful at building code with clearly defined and directed tasks, such as “fill in the blank” classes and methods, we certainly find that they are less adept at transforming general problem statements into appropriate programs.  When presented with more challenging problems that require less glamorous (non-graphical) and mundane problem decomposition techniques, they display a marked lack of confidence, and an inability to assemble the pieces into functional code.  They have limited intuitive sense for constructing conceptual models of objects and behaviors used to solve real-world problems.  They can trace code, which uses classes, objects and methods, but they have an incomplete understanding of when and why they are needed.  This is unfortunate because “programming is not a spectator sport”, it’s not about watching, it’s about doing!

We are deeply concerned that in our collective OO quest to avoid the “dreaded poor programming habits syndrome” we are inadvertently creating introductory visual programmers who are “algorithmically challenged”.  This may sound somewhat heretical, however it is not inconsistent with the content that they are being presented.

There was already a great deal of material to be covered in the CS1 curriculum and the addition of new topics such as objects, GUI and events requires that we displace something.  The fundamental question is whether we have displaced the right things. More often than not, in order to be able to provide an early introduction to objects and their behaviors, examples are usually contrived and trivial, to the point where students find that they are totally unrealistic (i.e. the Laugher Class).  Although we can buy some time by distracting them with pretty colors and fancy interfaces, at some point we can no longer elude their questions with trite and dismissive statements such as:  “trust me, soon you will understand why we have to do things this way”; “don’t worry about what these terms mean, we will cover them later”;

2 Is Java the problem?

During our own discussions as to the potential sources of perceived weaknesses in our students, we deliberated as to our pedagogy.   What is it about Java that is causing the problem, or conversely what good features of Java are we neglecting to emphasize?  During our review of numerous textbooks (prefaces are always especially illuminating) we came across the following praiseworthy features of Java:

  • Modern object oriented language
  • Rich graphical user interface
  • Platform independent language
  • Extensive Libraries
  • Java support for the Internet 

Almost every author alludes to a similar list of “good features.”  Interestingly enough however, the authors often advocated quite divergent approaches for the teaching of Java.  These included a graphics first approach, applications first, objects first, events early, and so forth.  Other educators and researchers have also published similar diverse opinions: including special I/O classes to hide Java’s flexible but cumbersome I/O classes [3]; event-driven programming to emphasize software skills necessary for 21st century programming [4]; visual emphasis with AWT to motivate and prepare students for the WEB [5]; and special front-end interfaces to facilitate the use of object visualization and to hide the complexities of defining and instantiating objects [6,7].

A superficial summary of their combined efforts would state that it is important to introduce objects and events early/immediately, while maintaining simplicity of code and the use of graphical emphasis to motivate students. 

3 Our Experience

The problems and frustrations that students express are often voiced early to mid semester.  This period is where we deal almost exclusively with the introduction and use of fundamental Java objects (strings, IO, graphics), provide an overview of general program structure and layout as well as describing and detailing the necessary components of classes, methods, instance/local/parameter variables and of course, their respective modifiers.

There was a very evident easing of classroom tension later in the semester when course curricula switches to covering primitive data types, control structures and simple data structures.  Students find the context shift very refreshing!  This is clearly evidenced by increased student participation in class discussions, more attentive attitude as well as a generally upbeat mood and disposition.  Perhaps these are simply artifacts of having survived the post midterm withdrawal frenzy, however the authors optimistically speculate these changes are more likely attributable to content changes rather than anxiety mediated endorphin release.

In order to impart and facilitate student understanding of OO principles, we have experimented with two basic approaches listed below, these were supplemented with appropriate lab exercises.

3.1 Graphical Emphasis 

Early in the course we describe applets and give lab assignments which require the students to draw simple pictures using the Graphics class.  Ostensibly this is a way to quickly demonstrate the ease of creating an applet, use of numerous methods and practicality of parameters.  Although the students are initially excited by the ease with which they can create colourful graphics, they quickly tire of the tedium and repetition involved.  Some have even commented quite sarcastically, “I could have done it faster and better using Microsoft’s paint program!”  Obviously they missed the point of these exercises!

More advanced graphics labs have included the use of standard controls such as Buttons, Labels and TextFields.  In order to construct something useful, many such controls are required, which means that the students replicate many similar lines of code.  Given that they have limited knowledge with which to incorporate complex functionality, these interface assignments quickly come to resemble simple make-work projects.

3.2 Object Emphasis

In early assignments we give the students simple code skeletons and ask them to write code using string methods to achieve some simple I/O functionality. These include exercises, which manipulate strings for simple encryption, or read from various input devices to extract and print cleanly formatted output.  At this point students are aware of objects and methods but are not yet ready to take control.  In fact we tell them to disregard the code we provide as templates, especially the infamous:

            “public static void main(String []args) throws Exception”.

Actually the statement is very easy to understand if you ignore every single token.

As we continue to build on the Object fundamentals, we ask the students to define and create rudimentary classes, starting with simple/gentle code templates.  (Others have adopted similar approaches using small, directed, pieces of code [8] or programming by imitation [9].)  Soon we get them to write complete classes using a supplied specification that outlines the required methods and instance variables.   The problem that we encounter here is that since we have yet to cover any control constructs the scope of the problem is limited and viability of code is questionable. Students sense that the problems are basically contrived and lose motivation for the task at hand.  The “novelty and excitement” of overloaded constructors and methods can only take you so far!

4 Summary of Observations

Some of the challenges we faced have historical parallels that we previously experienced with Pascal.  The same type of language features that mystified our Pascal students (and others [10]), are haunting us now with Java.   Unfortunately the problems are even more pronounced. 

In the past, we observed that our Pascal students had the greatest difficulty when we got to the topics concerning procedures and functions.  This was especially evident when we dealt with issues related to parameter passing: pass by value and pass by reference; as well as the associated concepts of variable scope and lifetimes.  These difficulties are also implicit with the teaching of Java, but are confounded because of early exposure [11].   Students struggle with a thorough understanding of the basic differences between local and instance variables, parameters, return values, object references and of course the instantiation of classes via the often overloaded constructor method (which is like the other methods but is not really the same).  And then along comes the keyword this, which we tell them, is usually optional except when the scope is ambiguous.

OOP requires that students understand references immediately, whereas many CS2 (Pascal or C++) based students still have trouble with the concept even after a full semester or more of programming.  We often hear the refrain that C always gives you enough rope to do yourself serious injury especially when dealing with pointers.  Although Java theoretically protects you from pointer incursions and abuses, the underlying complexity of reference visualization is not attenuated.   References are problematic regardless of the context in which they are presented.   A statement such as  a reference variable is a variable whose value is a reference” is not a statement that is intuitively obvious.  If we then continue this discourse by adding that  a reference variable is often used to hold the reference that is returned from a constructor…” the result invariably is a “glazed-eye, deer in the headlights ” stare of confusion.

We eventually need to get around to explaining static, after all we did promise on day one not to worry because we would explain it later—some day real soon now!  At some point we have to bite the bullet and delve into the difference between class methods and instance methods.   Of course we must not exclude discussion about a new kind of variable that is shared by all instances of the class—the class variable.

All of the above are required understanding for even elementary OO programs yet most students do not really possess the programming and problem solving sophistication to adequately handle the rapid influx of many new concepts. 

5 Results

At GPRC we are in the final stages of the old stanine system for course grading.  A pass is a grade of 4 and above, to a maximum of 9.  A failure is a grade between 1 and 3. In the table below (all numbers are percentages) we use WDF to denote those students who withdrew from the course after the normal withdrawal date.





Table 1 – Introductory Programming Courses (before and after Java)

A direct comparison of CS1 results from Table 1 indicates virtually no change in student performance after the switch from Pascal to Java.  A more detailed breakdown of student’s grades is presented in Figure 1.  The chart of the two data sets indicates similar patterns, however there is a slight performance decrease in the midrange grades for the Java version.  (The distribution of the grades certainly does not resemble the normal bell curve one would expect from most courses—a topic for another paper.)  The performance decrease was surprising, only because our subjective opinions seemed to suggest that the difference should have been even greater!   We expected that the grades for the Java students to have been considerably lower than the norms experienced with Pascal course. 


Figure 1 - Comparison of  CS1 (Java vs Pascal)

This discrepancy in our expectations prompted us to continue our analysis; we collated similar data for our CS2 course.  Those results are presented in Table 1 as well.  Although we notice a 50% increase in failure rate (from 14.7% to 21.6%) the overall pass rates remain unchanged. 

Continuing with the analysis, we charted grades for the Pascal and Java versions of the CS2 course.  For clarity we present this data in separate figures.  Figure 2, which plots grades for the CS2 – Pascal version, shows a normal distribution, whereas, Figure 3 presents a markedly different profile.  The CS2-Java version seems to be bi-modal rather than normal.  This would indicate that most students fell into one of two extremes—either they understood it or they did not!

In retrospect, this result is actually consistent with our expectations.  In the CS1 course, weaker students who were not really able to master object oriented concepts, were still able to perform reasonably well, given the nature of the grading scheme.  Approximately 70% of the grade is derived from quizzes, midterms, and finals, which are for the most part: code tracing exercises; or given the prototype write appropriate method bodies; or questions that present specified classes where the students are required to instantiate and use methods.  There are few questions that ask students to write complete programs.  These exams are modeled on exams given at our primary transfer institution.

Figure 2 - CS2 Pascal Version


Figure 3 - CS2 Java Version

Given the manner in which we present the course material and the way we evaluate, it would seem that many students are capable of achieving a reasonable grade without actually have a firm grasp of the material.  This flaw is exacerbated in the CS2 course where it is imperative that they actually understand the “substance” of the material that was presented in CS1.  Although weak students (the ones who didn’t get it) are reasonably successful at imitating and tracing, this weakness becomes overwhelming when they are required to construct more complex programs.  It would seem that this result corroborates our initial “subjective” opinion about the student’s inability to grasp OO principles in the order and manner in which we are currently presenting it.

6 Conclusion

A quote attributable to C.A.R. Hoare [10] “you can’t teach top-down programming to beginning programmers, because they don’t know which end is up”, has much in common with our current situation.  Perhaps, first time programming students have a difficulty grasping OO programming, because they don’t know enough yet to realize and appreciate that that objects can be extremely useful.  All they see is unnecessary complexity, which seems to add little to the overall usefulness of their code.

There will always be students, who “get it” regardless of the language we teach or the paradigm we espouse, our concern is for those students who populate the middle ground.  Is there something we can do for the average student so that they can acquire the appropriate OO programming skills without the incumbent frustrations that they currently experience?

In the coming Fall semester we will attempt a retrograde approach even though others [12] have deemed this a non-viable option.  We will focus on first teaching them primitive operations, control constructs and primitive data structures before we delve into full-blown Objects [13]. 

If we are allowed some leeway in mangling an old catch phrase, ”necessity is the mother of introspection ”.  Who knows, perhaps by starting with the fundamental programming skills and using what we’ve learned from our current experiences with OO first, we can find that elusive middle ground.


[1] Computing Curricula 2001 project (CC2001) Final Draft, Computer Society of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE-CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), December 15, 2001

[2] D. Arnow and G. Weiss, “Java An Object Oriented Approach”, Addison Wesley Longman, 2 Ed, 2000

[3] E. Koffman and U. Wolz, “CS1 Using Java Language Features Gently”, Proceedings of the 4th conference on Information Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 1999), Poland, 1999

[4] K. B. Bruce, A. P. Danyluk and T.P Murtagh, “Event Driven Programming is Simple Enough for CS1”, Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2001), Canterbury, 2001

[5] J. Corner and R. Roggio,  Teaching a Java-based CS1 course in an Academically-diverse Environment”, Proceedings of the Thirty-third SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE-02)

[6] M. Kölling and J. Rosenberg, “Guidelines for Teaching Object Orientation with Java”, Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2001), Canterbury, 2001

[7]  S. Cooper, W. Dann and R.Pausch, “Teaching Objects-first In Introductory Computer Science”, Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE-03)

[8] S. Reges, “Conservatively Radical Java in CS1”, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Proceedings of the thirty-first SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education March 2000 Volume 32 Issue 1

[9] R. Allen, K. Bluff, and A. Oppenheim, “Jumping in Java: Object-Oriented Software Development for the Masses”, Proceedings of the third Australasian conference on Computer science education July 1998    

[10 ] R. Pattis, “The ‘Procedures Early’ Approach in CS 1: A Heresy”, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Proceedings of the twenty-fourth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education March 1993 Volume 25 Issue 1

[11] P. Andreae, R. Biddle, G. Dobbie, A. Gail, L.Miller, and E. Tempero, “Surprises in Teaching CS1 with Java”, Technical Report CS-TR-98/9 September 1998

[12] C. Alphonce and P. Ventura, “Object Orientation in CS1-CS2 by Design”, Proceedings of the 7th conference on Information Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2002), Aarhus, 2002

[13] C. Wallace, P. Martin and B. Lang, “Not Whether Java, But How Java”, CTI Computing Monitor No. 8, 1997


David Gregg and Libero Ficocelli
Department of Computing, Mathematics, and Statistical Sciences
Grande Prairie Regional College
10726 106 Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 4C4