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Video Transfer between U-Matic and VCR

U-Matic --> VCR

This couldn't be simpler:

  1. Take the composite out of the U-Matic deck (labeled as '3/4 out' on the patchbay), and connect that to the composite in on the VHS deck (labeled 'VHS in' on the patchbay) and that's it!

VCR --> U-Matic

This is just the opposite of what is above:

  1. Take the composite out of the VHS deck (labeled 'VHS out' on the patchbay), and connect that to the composite in on the U-Matic deck (labeled as '3/4 in' on the patchbay)
and that's it!
This document was last modified Sept 8, 1994, by Marcello Lioy