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Video Transfer between LVR and BetaCam

The BetaCam deck is not on Maybelline, but on a separate trolley of it's own. It usually lives in Imager Light.

LVR --> BetaCam

This is rather easy and is a case where access to the back of the rack is necessary. On the back of the LVR there are switches that allow the inputs and outputs of the LVR to be switched between RGB and BetaCam (Y-RB) signals. Switch the output to Y-RB. Connect the RGB outs for the LVR on the patch bay to the inputs of th BetaCam deck as follows:

	  G ---> Y
	  R ---> Y-R
	  B ---> Y-B
	Sync --> Ref Video
It is also necessary to set the input type. This is done using the switch on the front of the BetaCam deck (there is a flip down door, which doesn't quite open properly, all of the switches are behind that.) Set this switch to Y-RB.

BetaCam --> LVR

This is kind of the opposite of the previous case, again access to the back of the rack is necessary. Using the switch on the back of the LVR which allows you to change the input type between composite, RGB and Y-RB (BetaCam), set up the >LVR to accept BetaCam input.

Connect the BetaCam deck to the patch bay as follows:

	 Y ---> G
	Y-R --> R
	Y-B --> B
Note: Remember to change the switches back to RGB when you are done as you may leave a nasty surprise for someone if you don't. Especially on the input to the LVR, as many people use it to dump their animations to. It would be disastrous for them to find out after an hour that their colour is WAY off! Not to mention the overwhelming sensation of guilt that you will feel.
This file was last updated Sept 15, 1994 by Marcello Lioy