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Creating Playback Scripts for Sony LVR

Need tape? See Goesta in his office in room 145.

The basic format for creating sony_disc scripts is as follows:

  1. every command is on a separate line.

  2. the command line is as follows:

[starting frame number] [ending frame number] [number of repetitions] [slow down rate]

[starting frame number] is the number of the frame which you want the player to play from. Note if -1 is given as a value then it goes from the frame it is currently at. The advantage of using this method is that the video disk doesn't have to search for the frame as it knows that it is the one being currently displayed.

[ending frame number] is the number of the frame where you want the player to stop. Note that if the starting frame is greater than the ending frame that it will play backwards.

[number of repetitions] is the number of times it will repeat that playback command.

[slow down rate] the number here is the number of 1/30ths of a second each frame should take.

To insert comments place a '#' on the line following the command you wish to remark on.

There is a page containing an example script.

This file was last updated Aug 12, 1994 by Marcello Lioy