Imager, CAMEL, GraFiC, and MAGIC

Imager, CAMEL, GraFiC, and MAGIC are the four groups connected to the UBC Computer Science Department which do work in computer graphics.

Imager is the name of the group within the department dedicated to computer graphics. If you're doing graphics within CS, you're part of Imager. Kelly Booth , Alain Fournier , and Dave Forsey are co-directors of Imager.

CAMEL stands for Computer Animation and Multimedia Experimental Laboratory.

GraFiC stands for Graphics and Film in Computing. It has completed its five-year mandate. Its focus was principally animation and modelling. Alain Fournier was the head of GraFiC.

MAGIC stands for Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre. Its principle research areas are human-computer interaction and multimedia. Kelly Booth is the head of MAGIC.

Last updated by Bob Lewis on 8 March 1997.