6. p3poly - Piecewise cubic polynomial


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[1] E. J. Candés and J. Romberg. Practical signal recovery from random projections. In Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing XI, Proc. SPIE Conf. 5914., 2004. [ bib ]


Figure 1 - Piecewise polynomal function.
Figure 2 - Wavelet coefficients of the piecewise polynomal function.


Table 1 - Location and coefficients for thecubic polynomial functions.
i 1 2 3 4 5
n(i) 473 522 248 703 102
c_0(i) -0.430 -1.150 0.330 -0.590 1.070
c_1(i) -1.670 1.190 0.170 2.180 0.060
c_2(i) 0.130 1.190 -0.190 -0.140 -0.100
c_3(i) 0.290 -0.040 0.730 0.110 -0.830

(Last updated: 15-Feb-2008), Copyright 2007, University of British Columbia