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Finished Papers, 2010

  • November 17th, 2010: Agnes Swadzba Swadzba, A., C. Vorwerg, S. Wachsmuth, and G. Rickheit. "A Computational Model for the Alignment of Hierarchical Scene Representations in Human-Robot Interaction". IJCAI 2009. [External Link].
  • November 24th, 2010: Ankur Gupta gives his Master's thesis presentation.
  • December 1st, 2010: Dr. Stephen Se gives a talk related to visual navigation and the work going on at MDA.
  • December 8th, 2010: Egor Tsinko gives his Master's thesis presentation.
  • November 10th, 2010: Marius Muja presents: Fast Directional Chamfer Matching - Ming-Yu Liu, Oncel Tuzel, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Rama Chellappa. CVPR 2010. [External Link].
  • November 3rd, 2010: Jim Little Gives an example ACCV talk to help Scott who will have to present: "Finding Human Poses in Videos Using Concurrent Matching and Segmentation". Hao Jiang. ACCV 2010 (oral). To Appear. [External Link].
  • October 27th, 2010: Scott Helmer presents: Scott Helmer, David Meger, Marius Muja, James J. Little, and David G. Lowe. Multiple Viewpoint Recognition and Localization. Practice talk for upcoming oral at the Asian Computer Vision Conference. Queenstown, New Zealand. November 8-12, 2010. [External Link].
  • October 20th, 2010: David Meger presents "Layered Object Detection for Multi-Class Segmentation". Yi Yang, Sam Hallman, Deva Ramanan and Charles Fowlkes. CVPR 2010. [External Link] [VideoLectures.net].
  • October 13th, 2010: Xin(Andrew) Duan presents Kihwan Kim, Matthias Grundmann, Ariel Shamir, Iain Matthews, Jessica Hodgins, and Irfan Essa. "Motion Fields to Predict Play Evolution in Dynamic Sport Scenes" CVPR 2010. (a GA Tech, Disney Collaboration) [External Link].
  • October 6th, 2010: David Meger presents Back to the Future: Learning Shape Models from 3D CAD Data. Michael Stark, Michael Goesele, Bernt Schiele. In: Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2010 (oral presentation), Aberystwyth, UK, August 31 - September 3, 2010. [External Link].
  • September 29th, 2010: Sancho McCann presents M. Quigley, D. Stavens, A. Coates, and S. Thrun. "Sub-Meter Indoor Localization in Unmodified Environments with Inexpensive Sensors." In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS10). Taipei, Taiwan. [External Link], [Video].
  • September 22nd, 2010: Scott Helmer presents Y. Bao, M. Sun, and Silvio Savarese, "Toward Coherent Object Detection And Scene Layout Understanding", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2010. [External Link].
  • September 15th, 2010: Jim Little will lead a discussion on the various projects and activities going on in the robuddies group. This will include the projects: activity/tracking, intelligent wheelchair, SRVC, and mobile robotics.
  • September 2nd, 2010: Jay Turcot MSc Presentation - Robust Feature Selection. [External Link].
  • August 19th, 2010: Kate Saenko talk. Adapting Object Models Using Regularized Cross-Domain Transforms. [External Link].
  • July 8th, 2010: Dave Meger presents M. Andriluka, S. Roth, B. Schiele. Monocular 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking by Detection. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2010), San Francisco, USA, June 2010. [External Link].
  • June 10th, 2010: Loris Bazzani will discuss his recent research titled: "Multi-Target Tracking for Social Interactions Detection and its Extension to Multi-camera Case".
  • April 29th, 2010: Scott Helmer and Dave Meger give practice talks for ICRA 2010:
    • Scott Helmer and David Lowe. Using Stereo for Object Recognition. ICRA 2010.[External Link].
    • David Meger, Ankur Gupta and James J. Little. Viewpoint Detection Models for Sequential Embodied Object Category Recognition. ICRA 2010. [External Link].
  • April 22nd, 2010: Jim et al lead: "Discriminative Models for Multi-Class Object Layout", Chaitanya Desai, Deva Ramanan, Charless Fowlkes. Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision( ICCV),Kyoto, Japan, September 2009. Best Paper award, Marr Prize Winner [External Link].
  • April 15th, 2010: Jay Turcot presents: J.-M. Frahm, M. Pollefeys, RANSAC for (Quasi-)Degenereate data (QDEGSAC), Proc. CVPR, 2006. [External Link].
  • April 1st, 2010: Talk by Dr. Dana Ballard - Models of Environments.
  • March 25th, 2010: Ankur Gupta presents: Wolfgang Forstner, Timo Dickscheid, Falko Schindler. "Detecting Interpretable and Accurate Scale-Invariant Keypoints". ICCV 2009. [external link].
  • March 18th, 2010: Sancho McCann presents: Demsar, J. "Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers Over Multiple Data Sets". J. Mach. Learn. Res. 7 (Dec. 2006), 1-30. [External Link]. [Sancho's Tutorial Slides].
  • March 11th, 2010: Scott Helmer presents: Measuring Invariances in Deep Networks, Ian J. Goodfellow, Quoc V. Le, Andrew M. Saxe, Honglak Lee, Andrew Y. Ng, NIPS 2009. [External Link].
  • March 3rd, 2010: All robuds participate in an open round-table research discussion.
  • Feb 11th, 2010: Scott Helmer and David Meger present: Eidenberger, Grundmann, and Zoellner. "Probabilistic action planning for active scene modeling in continuous high-dimensional domains". From ICRA 2009. [External Link.]
  • Feb 4th, 2010: Kenji Okuma and David Meger present: Ashish Kapoor, Kristen Grauman, Raquel Urtasun and Trevor Darrell. Gaussian Processes for Object Categorization. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2009. [External Link.]
  • January 28th, 2010: All robuds: Special video session based on recorded BMVC talks: [Link]
  • January 21st, 2010: Jim Little: Learning Visual Object Categories for Robot Affordance Prediction. Jie Sun, Joshua L. Moore, Aaron Bobick, and James M Rehg. The International Journal of Robotics Research published 23 December, 2009. [External Link]
  • January 14th, 2010: David Lowe: "Multiple Kernels for Object Detection", A. Vedaldi, V. Gulshan, M. Varma, and A. Zisserman, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2009. [External Link]

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