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The purpose of the Neural Network applet is to visually demonstrate the feedforward backpropagation
algorithm. There is visual feedback for weight adjustments and error analysis.
The Neural Network applet features support for graphical modification and
creation of neural networks. It allows for separate training and test sets,
where the network is trained by the training set, and the test set is a
"control". Also, it has a "Construction Wizard" that allows the applet
to load plain comma-delimited text files as data, and construct an appropriate neural network for it.
The File Menu
The File Menu has options to create graphs, load files, and save files, as
well as quitting the program.
Notes on loading files:
It is possible to either load 'Graph and Data' or just 'Data'. Loading 'Graph
and Data' will load graph information from a standard neural network file, along
with its corresponding data. Loading 'Data' opens the Construction Wizard to
generate a neural network automatically. Loading 'Data' can load data from both
plain comma-delimited text files and standard neural network files (discarding
the graph information), while loading 'Graph and Data' can only open the
standard neural network files.
Create New Graph - clears the currently loaded network. All changes will be lost.
Load Sample Graph and Data - allows the user to load from a selection of pregenerated
Load Sample Data - allows the user to use the Construction Wizard to load from a selection of pregenerated
Load Graph and Data from URL - allows the user to load a file over the Internet by typing in a URL.
Load Data from URL - allows the user to use the Construction Wizard to
data load a file by typing in a URL.
Save Graph - Saves the graph. The default format is xml.
Print - Prints the graph.
Quit - Kills the applet.
The Edit Menu
The Edit Menu allows the user to view a text representation of the neural network.
View Prolog Code - displays the prolog code that can be used to represent the network. It should be noted that
the applet does not use this code; it uses an analytical Java implementation of backpropagation.
View/Edit Text Representation - displays the text representation of the currently
loaded neural network.
View/Edit XML Representation - displays the XML representation of the currently loaded neural network. The DTD is defined here.
The View Menu
The View Menu allows the user to modify the appearance of the applet.
Font Size - Set the font size.
Line Width - Set the width of lines displayed.
Autoscale - Adjust the graph to be fitted in the canvas.
Pan/Zoom - Select which mode to be in. Then when right-clicking and
dragging the mouse on canvas, you can pan or zoom on the canvas.
Reset Label - edge labels (which contain unification information) can be
moved separately from the edge it is associated with. Resetting edge labels
snaps labels back to their associated edges.
Enable Anti-Aliasing - enable or disable anti-aliasing.
Show Message Panel - Show or hide the message prompts above the main canvas.
Show Button Text - Show or hide the text on the buttons in the toolbar.
Show Buttons - Show or hide the removable toolbar buttons.
Show Parameters - hides/displays the weights in the edges and nodes.
The Neural Options Menu
The Neural Options Menu allows the user to modify the parameters of the backpropagation.
Auto Step Speed - sets the speed of the applet when multiple iterations of the backpropagation are performed. For large
data sets, set the speed to 0.
Parameter Initialization Options - sets how the parameter values should
be reset when initialized. They can either be set to a constant value or set to
a random value within a bound.
- Learning Options
- Learning Rate - this constant is multiplied into the update value for backprop. A higher rate MAY allow for faster
convergence, but usually it is a good idea to keep this small. Because of numerical issues, it should be set to
really small number (at least .005) when using linear activation functions anywhere in the network.
The default value is 1.
- Momentum - this is the fraction of the previous iteration that is added onto the new iteration. This is to make the
algorithm converge faster. A value of 0 means no momentum, and this is the default.
- Stopping Conditions
- Number of Iterations - the number of iterations that will be executed when the Step X button is pressed. The
default is 50.
- Target Training Error - this is the target error that the algorithm will stop at when the Run Until Finished
button is pressed. Keep in mind that the network may not reach this error value (if the learning rate is
too high, for example). Also, the more examples, the higher the error value is (as this is the total
not average). The default is 0.1.
Normalize Inputs - normalizes the inputs so that they are within the
range [-1,1]. The default is on.
Construction Wizard
The Neural Network Construction Wizard is designed to automate the creation of neural networks from raw, comma-delimited data.
The only requirement is that the text file must start with a line defining the categories of the data. This line
has to be of the form T:[category1],[category2], ..., [categoryN]; , in the same order as the data. For example, this
is the first two lines of a data file for the Wizard:
T: price, maint-cost, doors, persons, trunk-size, safety, acceptable;
vhigh, vhigh, 2, 2, small, low, unacc
The Wizard can also load the normal applet data files, but it will ignore the
graph information and just load
the examples.
Once the file is loaded, the Wizard dialog will pop up and query the user for information on the neural network that
he/she wants to build. The user should input the number of hidden layers needed, and the number of nodes for a
specific hidden layer. Hidden layers can be selected using the pull-down choice menu. The number of nodes default
to 2.
The user has to choose which categories are outputs. Depress the radio button to the left of the category name
to make it an output. Input categories become input nodes, and output categories become output nodes.
Also, it may be necessary for some non-numerical categories to be declared as "ordered" by depressing the
corresponding checkbox beside the category name. What this means is that this category can be represented as
a continuum of numbers. The Wizard will prompt for value mappings for each element of the category.
For example, the category "University" with members "SFU, UBC, UVic" cannot be represented as such, but the
category "Rating" with members "Low, Medium, High" can be (one can map them as numbers 0, .5, and 1).
Numerical categories are already ordered, and hence are not affected if they are declared as ordered.
Once all mappings have been declared, the Wizard will create the specified neural network. Also, it will distribute the data
evenly into the training and test sets.
Training and Test Sets
The neural network applet uses two sets of data for the network: the training set and the test set. The training set
is the set of examples that are used to train the neural network. The test set is a "control" which allows the user to
observe how the network can generalize from the training set to other data. The applet graphs both training and test
set errors in the Plot Window, and the user can get more detailed statistics for the test set
from the Summary Statistics window.
Create Mode allows the user to create a neural network manually. Click on a button on the toolbar to enable its function. Only
one button can be depressed at a time. For best results, the neural network should be totally connected; a node
should be connected to all the nodes of the layer below it.
Create Node - creates a node. Click on the canvas to create a node. Note that the applet automatically detects
whether a node is an input, output, or hidden node.
Create Edge - creates an edge. Click on the parent node, then on the child node to create a directed edge between
Select - selects a node or an edge. Click on a node or an edge to select it and move it around.
Delete - deletes nodes or edges. Click on a node or an edge to delete it.
Set Properties - allows the user to specify starting weights for edges and nodes, and to specify what activation function
a node will use. The available activation functions are sigmoid or logistic, exponential, linear, and hyperbolic
tangent. It is recommended that the user use sigmoid activation functions for most purposes. The Algorithms
and Theory section will discuss this in more detail.
View/Edit Examples - shows the Edit Examples window.
Solve mode allows the user to train the neural network that is in memory. It also allows the user to observe the training,
and to add or delete examples from the training or test sets. Finally, the user can also access statistics on the network
through solve mode.
Initialize Parameters - initializes the weights of the neural network with the
options specified in the Parameter Initialization Options dialog.
This is equivalent to clearing the learning the neural network has so far and starting from scratch.
Step - does one iteration of the backpropagation algorithm.
Step X - does X iterations of the backpropagation algorithm, with X being the number of iterations specified in the
Stopping Conditions dialog.
Step To Target Error - runs the backpropagation algorithm until the total sum of squares error is equivalent to the
target error specified in the Stopping Conditions dialog.
Stop Search - stops the backprop algorithm.
Calculate Output - pulls up a dialog that allows the user to enter input values and calculate the output values that the
neural network would generate.
Show Plot - shows the Plot window.
Summary Statistics - shows the Summary Statistics window.
View/Edit Examples - shows the Edit Examples window.
The Plot Window
The plot window shows a graph of the error of the neural network. As the backpropagation algorithm is run, the
error should be minimized. The plot window also has Initialize Parameter, Step, Step X, Step to Target Error, and Stop
buttons, which work in the same way as their solve mode counterparts. In addition, there are buttons to close, redraw,
clear, and print the plot window. There is also a checkbox to switch between logarithmic and standard display modes.
The error values of the training and the test sets are displayed on the right side of the plot. The blue plot is the
training set error, while the orange plot is the test set error.
The Edit Examples Window
The Edit Examples window displays all the examples in both the training test sets, and allows the user to add and remove
examples, and switch examples between the training and test sets.
To select an example, click on the example. To select multiple examples, keep clicking on the desired examples until all
of them are selected. One can also pull down the Select... choice box and choose between Select All, Select None, and Select
To transfer an example to another set, click the appropriate arrow button on the dialog.
The Summary Statistics Window
The Summary Statistics Window displays statistics for the test set, and as such, can only be pulled up once there is
at least one example in the test set. The window displays all the test examples as a table, as well as the predicted value.
It classifies the examples as correct or incorrect depending on a classification range which is determined by the user. This
"threshold" defaults to .5. The window also gives a percentage correct or incorrect, and also allows the user to select which
output's predicted value is displayed in the table.
There is a color key at the bottom of the applet window. Red is a weight less than 0, and green is a weight greater than 0.
Zero weight results in a clear edge, and the color becomes darker as the weight gets larger.
There is a message at the top of the canvas that cues the user as to what the applet is doing as it is running.
Algorithms and Theory
This is a very basic introduction to neural networks and the feedforward backpropagation algorithm.
A neural network (in the context of this applet) is a set of nodes that are connected to each other via edges. A node can
only send information (usually numeric data) through an edge. A node sums up all its received "signals" and inputs it into
an activation function, then sends the result to all its children. This signal is multiplied by a weight associated with an edge, then
is received by the target node.
An activation function is simply a function that is used to introduce nonlinearity to the network. There are four functions
supported by the applet: linear, sigmoid, exponential, and hyperbolic tangent. Note that all the functions are differentiable - this
is because the backpropagation algorithm requires that activation functions have to be differentiable.
A linear activation function is equivalent to having no activation function at all (ie the sum of the "signals" is the
result sent to a node's children).
A sigmoid function (also called the logistic) is an S-shaped curve that maps all input to [0,1]. It has a limit of 0 as
x approaches negative infinity, and 1 as x approaches infinity.
A hyperbolic tangent function is similar to a sigmoid, but it maps all of its input to [-1,1]. It has a limit of -1 as
x approaches negarive infinity, and 1 as x approaches infinity.
An exponential function is the exponential function e^x.
Nodes without parents are input nodes - the user must provide them with input. Nodes without children are output nodes.
Everything else are hidden nodes. This applet deals with a feedforward neural network - it requires that the graph should
be acyclic, and that a "layer" (a set of nodes that have the same depth) should be totally connected to the layer below it.
This means that each node should have an edge going to all the nodes of the layer below it, and nowhere else.
This network is trained by an algorithm called the backpropagation algorithm. The backprop algorithm is essentially a
minimization technique that minimizes the error of a neural network.
The Feedforward Backpropagation Algorithm
The Neural Network applet demonstrates a widely-used algorithm called the Backpropagation algorithm. To train a neural network,
a set of training examples is fed into the network. Each example will produce an output that may be different from the expected
result. This error (usually sum of squares error) is "backpropagated" through edges and hidden nodes; the magnitude of this error
is used to determine how much to adjust the weights, and in what direction. An epoch, or iteration, is a whole training set fed
into a neural network in this way.
Caveats and Warnings
If the network doesn't seem to learn, maybe the learning rate is too high. Adjust the learning rate to something smaller.
Be VERY careful with activation functions. Remember that the sigmoid function only has a range [0,1] and the hyperbolic
tangent has a range [-1,1]. Set your output node activation functions to linear if the outputs are not within these ranges.
The backpropagation algorithm as it is implemented here is very vulnerable to numerical errors. This is because the total sum
of squares error can be large if the training set is large. The algorithm requires that this error be fed into the derivative
of the activation function. As the most common activation functions involve exponential functions, this leads to numerical errors.
The linear activation function does not suffer from this problem, but since it is not a "squashing" function (the sigmoid and
hyperbolic tangent has finite ranges), it also has numerical problems with large training sets as all the sum of squares errors
add up to large numbers. To work around this, set the learning rate to something small (less than .005). This will usually bring
the computation to a manageable level.
DTD Definition
This is an example of the Neural Network XML (the Boolean example from the applet):
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Neural Network Definition -->
<!-- Node Definitions -->
<NAME>Input 1</NAME>
<NAME>Input 2</NAME>
<NAME>Output (and)</NAME>
<NAME>Output (or)</NAME>
<NAME>Output (nor)</NAME>
<!-- Edge Definitions -->
<!-- Example Database -->
<!-- Parameter Definition -->
<PARAMETER type="input">Input 1</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER type="input">Input 2</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER type="output">Output (and)</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER type="output">Output (or)</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER type="output">Output (nor)</PARAMETER>
<!-- Examples -->
<EXAMPLE type="training">
<VALUE parameter="Input 1">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Input 2">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (and)">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (or)">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (nor)">1.0</VALUE>
<EXAMPLE type="training">
<VALUE parameter="Input 1">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Input 2">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (and)">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (or)">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (nor)">0.0</VALUE>
<EXAMPLE type="training">
<VALUE parameter="Input 1">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Input 2">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (and)">0.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (or)">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (nor)">0.0</VALUE>
<EXAMPLE type="training">
<VALUE parameter="Input 1">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Input 2">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (and)">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (or)">1.0</VALUE>
<VALUE parameter="Output (nor)">0.0</VALUE>
Mitchell, Tom. 1997. Machine Learning.
Sarle, W.S., ed. (1997), Neural Network FAQ,
periodic posting to the Usenet newsgroup, URL:
David Poole, Alan Mackworth, Randy Goebel. Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach.