CPSC 536H: Empirical Algorithmics (Spring 2010) Notes by Holger H. Hoos, University of British Columbia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module 4: Decision algorithms with error --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Introduction For many decision problems there are no algorithms that always find a correct solution for a given problem instance (or always find it efficiently enough). -> decision algorithms with error (= binary classification algorithms) Examples: - local search algorithms for hard combinatorial problems like SAT - algorithms for solving classification problems in machine learning - heuristic construction algorithms for shortest paths, spanning trees, ... Types of errors: - false positives (FP): incorrectly return "yes" (positive) answer (type 1 error) - false negatives (FN): incorrectly return "no" (negative) answer (type 2 error) (note: same as type 1/2 errors in stat. testing: incorr rejection of true null / failure to rej false null) Algorithms with: - one-sided error: only one type of error may occur (often: false negative) - two-sided error: both types of error may occur Closely related to algorithms with one-sided error: non-termination / 'no solution found' (censored data) --- 4.2 Deterministic decision algorithms with error Errors occur deterministically on certain instances. Performance of algorithm on single instance is now characterised by - type of error made - run-time Note: In some cases, errors can be easily detected, in others not. (This has practical implications on effort required for empirical analysis.) Performance of algorithm on set of instances S is characterised by [ask students] - error rates (for one or both types of errors) = FN/P, FP/N, (FN+FP)/(N+P) where N = number of "no" (negative) instances = TN+FP, P = number of "yes" (positive) instances = TP+FN - SCDs for correct results, false neg results, false pos results It is often very interesting to investigate how instance properties correlate with error rate(s). [ask students: what about parameterised alg?] For parameterised algorithms, the correlation of parameter values with error rate(s) is also of substantial interest. Often, there are one or more parameters whose setting(s) control trade-off between - run-time and error rate(s) - two types of errors (for algorithms with two-sided errors) [ask students: examples?] studying correlation between run-time / error rate(s) as parameter(s) change can be insightful (and useful for calibrating algorithm) instead of error probabilities (= false pos / false neg rates), often consider - sensitivity SE = TP/(TP+FN) = fraction of "yes" instances correctly solved (aka true positive rate, TPR) Note: TP+FN = total number of "yes" instances - specificity SP = TN/(TN+FP) = fraction of "no" instances correctly solved (aka true neg rate, TNR) Note: TN+FP = total number of "no" instances also: - false pos rate FPR = 1-SP, false neg rate FNR = 1-SE - pos predictive value PPV = TP/(TP+FP) = fraction of "yes" answers that are correct Note: TP+FP = total number of "yes" answers - neg predictive value NPV = TN/(FN+TN) = fraction of "no" answers that are correct Note: FN+TN = total number of "no" answers Note: PPV and sensitivity are also known as 'recall' and 'precision' in information retrieval confusion matrix (= 2x2 contingency table) TP FP = #pred pos FN TN = #pred neg -------- P N - F-measure F = 2*PPV*SE/(PPV+SE) = harmonic mean of PPV, SE - accuracy ACC = (TP+TN)/(P+N) = (TP+TN)/|S| where S is the given set of instances = fraction correct predictions (among all predictions) - Matthews Correlation Coefficient MCC = (TP*TN - FP*FN)/sqrt(P*N*(TP+FP)*(TN+FN)) If any of the four factors in the denominator = 0, MCC := 0 (correct limiting value) MCC works well for different P,N Note: F, ACC and MCC all aggregate information in ways that can obscure important details => do not use in isolation -- receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves: graphical plot of sensitivity vs (1 - specificity) (= TPR vs FPR) as some algorithm (or process) parameter is varied (typically used for binary classifiers as classification threshold is varied) [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Receiver_operating_characteristic, http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/W.Langdon/roc/, http://www.anaesthetist.com/mnm/stats/roc/ - nice interactive demonstrations!] [slides] Note: there are quantitative measures to summarise ROC curves, but these always lose information about the underlying trade-off between the error types --- 4.3 Randomised algorithms with one-sided error Monte-Carlo Algorithms (MCAs) - decision algorithm whose run-time is a random variable - may produce false negative and/or false positive results Note: Multiple runs of algorithm on the same problem instance may produce correct results or error. Here: MCA with one-sided error (typically false neg) Similarly: Generalised Las Vegas algorithms = LVA that may not always terminate (with a result) Behaviour on single instance (using given parameter values) is characterised by - error probability (or success probability = 1-error prob) - RTD for runs with correct results - RTD for runs with incorrect results Reduction of error probability (= amplification of success prob) by multiple independent runs: Key Insight: By performing multiple independent runs of randomised MCA with one-sided error, error probability can be traded off against run-time. Can this be exploited in practice? [ask students] [two cases: - errors can be detected efficiently -> perform runs until success - errors cannot be detected efficiently -> multiple runs + voting scheme (depends on error rate)] Multiple independent runs can be executed sequentially or in parallel. Analysis on sets of instances: - analyse run-time and errors separately on individual instances and across set (for run-time, see Module 3; for error, analogously) - correlation between run-time stats and error rate (over multiple runs) across test set can be interesting [ask students: why?] Investigation of trade-off between error rate and run-time: see 4.2; keep in mind that here, occurrence of errors can vary between runs on single instance and across instances --- 4.4 Randomised algorithms with two-sided error MCA with two-sided error: both types of error may occur Note: on each given instance, only one type of error can occur [ask students: why?] -> for single instances: same approach as in 4.3 Same approach as for MCA with one-sided error, but - measure / study both types of error separately - investigate correlation / trade-offs between the two types of errors (see also 4.2) --- learning goals: - be able to explain the two types of errors that may occur in a decision algorithm with error - be able to explain the concept and definition of a Monte-Carlo algorithm - be able to explain and apply different measures capturing the occurrence of erroneous results - be able to analyse trade-offs between error probability and run-time - be able to analyse trade-offs between the two types of errors - be able to explain and apply the concept of ROC curves - be able to explain under which conditions and how multiple independent runs can be used to reduce the error probability of a Monte-Carlo algorithm